Tuesday 20 April 2010

How I attracted my target audience

I used various methods to allow me to cater to my target audience. Various research includes questionnaires, audience feedback, and a physcological profile.

Here is my pyscological profile.

As you can see, the mooboard tend to slightly lean towards the male society. This is displayed via the rugby shot, stereotypical BMW car, PS3 etc. However, these are challenged by the more stereotypical feminine teenage alchopops, and the perhaps more feminine X factor with Icon Cheryl Cole. As you can below, the colour scheme of the front page is mainly darkened, more associated with the masculine society, but in order to make sure prejudice is not invoked amongst teenage girls, the headings tend to be bright colours, this is to show unity of the genders in the target audience and has connotations of equal representation. Note the mixture of colours on both contents, dps, and front pages.

Another key thing to note, is that, my target audiences are teenagers, and every picture featured is of a teenager. This has connotations of equality, and allows the audience to collect on a physcological level with the artists, thus becoming more motivated to read on.

Teenagers also have notoriously poor concentration levels. In a bid to adjust this, I have placed all the text in the DPS in yellow and white fonts with a black background. This emphasises via contrast, and maintains that the text is not boring and dull, therefore the short attention span is able to prolong its concentration due to over emphasis on the appearance of the text.

As you can see on page 15 - 16 - 17 of my scrap book, I created a questionnaire on all aspects of my magazine and received insightful feedback.

When asked about their ideal mast head, 100 % overwhelmingly responded that they wanted a mast head that reflected the age, as well as reflected the target audience and resembled the codes and conventions of the magazine.

The simplicity of the font signifies the magazines straight forward approach of its analysis of the musical genre. The font is called "Moderna" and thus obviously has connotations of the present modern era. The target audience are represented by the fact that the masthead RM are initials, shortening of two words. Therefore there language is directly referenced and they thereby are reflected in the masthead.

The questionnaire also showed that 50% wanted a balanced mixed colour scheme. In using the predominant reoccurring colours of yellow, black and white, this is safely seen to and their needs are appeased.

The questionnaire feedback informed that they would like the conventions to be stuck to when it came to the double page spread and that text should be on the right, image on the left, as you can see

On the left

On the right

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