Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Usage of Technology

Throughout my media coursework, I have had to adapt and learn to use many different technological applications such as Photoshop, Indesign and Blogging, through the usage of these applications, I have learnt many skills that I have been able to use in my coursework.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 was key in constructing an artistic background and image for my front cover. I had to use many tools but none so more than the lasso tool. Indicated below

The lasso tool allows you to highlight a selection and cut it from the image. I did this on numerous occasions to crop images or simply to transfer sections into adobe indesign, please look into scrap book page 23. This tool was never too hard to use, as a it is also featured on free software such as paint.

My model was "air brushed" on photoshop, the spot healing brush was used to remove his freckles and spots, his eyes and teeth were also made brighter by the colour replacement tool.

My abstract background was created using photoshop, and it was an integral part of the front cover as it created the contrasting effect with the model photo. Here are some screenshots of how I made it using various render and filter tools that add an artistic design to a canvas.

Adobe indesign was crucial in the formation of my Double page spread, Contents page and front cover. It was the application that i used to set up the layout of my finished pages. In indesign, I changed font colours, set up text boxes, merged images, in brief, dictated the layout and structure of the pages. Here are some screenshots of my work on my contents page in indesign.

For the post production coursework, I have had to create a blog on all of my work throughout the term. Within this blog is proof of work, evaluations, analysis, research etc. There have been many tools I have used to make my Blog more advanced.

I Have learned to change the colour of fonts

I have learned to incorporate pictures

I have learned to incorporate videos

I have learnt to hyperlink websites http://www.google.co.uk/

My media coursework, as you would expect with a course entitled media, requires various different technological appliances to succeed in. Using technological convergance is also key when making a blog, demonstrated by the video above. Indesign, Photoshop and Blogger have taken getting use to, but have formed the basis of my AS coursework.

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